Bad things sometimes happen to good people. Heart disease or a life-threatening heart emergency can happen even though we eat right, exercise, and appear healthy overall. Here are some signs you should know if you or someone around you has a heart attack. Complaint of feeling: 

Women may have different symptoms than men, but the most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. Women may also report shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting, and back or jaw pain. One woman said she felt sick but thought she had the flu. Heart Attack Symptoms in Women | American Heart Association 


Calling 911 sooner rather than later could be the difference between life and death. 

Some people hesitate to call 911 because they fear looking foolish if it is not a heart attack. Do not let fear of embarrassment be a barrier. Calling for help is the right thing to do. 


Regular medical check-ups are a great way to stay on top of any developing risk factors. Taking your medications as doctors prescribe them is another way to care for your heart and general health. Last, remember that it is never too late to do the right thing. Regardless of your medical history, making those little changes now to reduce risk factors can make a big difference to your health in the future. 



Disclaimer: This is not a medical consultation; neither should it replace the instructions to manage your specific medical condition given to you by your doctor or medical provider.