For most of us, Three Kings Day marked the official end of Christmas or Winter Holiday break, though memories of chocolate, cakes, cookies, candies, and yes, lots of good food still lingers. We may also be having tiny twinges of regret for indulging so well.

In the same way, if we add all those calories meal by meal and mouthful by mouthful, we can start the new year with an eating reset and reboot, one meal or snack at a time. Let us begin by being honest about what we will do for the long haul after the enthusiasm for trying something new fades. We call those SMART goals. Your plan should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely.

Here is Osceola Community Health Services SMART 21-DAY breakdown:

Be Specific. Choose a start date.

Be Measurable - no sugar, fried foods, caffeine, candy, cake, or animal products.

Be Achievable. Make sure you set your goals based on your level activity, time, and family obligations.

Be Realistic. make sure the diet you choose works for you.

Be Timely. Stop in 21 days and assess where you are.

Your system will still get a reboot, and your health will thank you for it!

Stay tuned for tips and updates.

Disclaimer: This is not a diet; neither should it replace the instructions to manage your specific medical condition given by your doctor or registered dietician.